How Print Marketing Can Tell a Story for Your Brand

Published on May 24, 2024

Why can print marketing help tell a story? 

When creating a brand, it is important to establish a relationship with your audience. One way this can be done is through storytelling. Giving your customers something to relate to your business helps create a connection to your brand. With the introduction of technology and social media, personal interaction is slowly starting to decline from business to consumer. The distance created from the screen leaves room for print marketing to take over. Through this blog, we will explore the advantages of choosing print marketing and how it can help tell a story. 

Creating a deeper connection 

Firstly, one of the main advantages of using print marketing is the tangible element. Having a product your customer can hold is far more engaging than an advert on a computer screen. Creating this impact on a consumer can leave a lasting impact on your brand and create a narrative for that individual, based on their experience. This is individual to each person, making the interaction even more personable. 

Breaking from the norm 

As our ever-changing industry evolves, more and more elements are turning to digital. This is mainly for ease of distribution and to keep costs low. However, over-saturation has meant these marketing efforts are going to waste, and the viewer isn’t consuming this information as much. Therefore, by using print your audience is more likely to absorb the content as it offers a welcomed alternative to staring at a screen. You also aren’t competing with other distractions that can come with online advertising e.g. pop-up notifications, other brands, or the temptation to scroll.  

Quality Reputation  

Having a product that represents your brand and its story is a great way of advertising, however, it’s essential to make sure this product is reflecting you positively. High-quality, professionally finished products can give your brand credibility. You are presented as an expert, well-organised and trustworthy company that gives the customer confidence when investing in you. Here at Alpha Cards, we use top-of-the-range stocks that are FSC-certified from sustainable forestry sources and vegetable-based ink.  This not only helps associate your brand as a quality company but also an environmentally conscious one. Reiterating your narrative and what is important to your business in terms of values. Those who align with your ideology are far more likely to resonate with your company and form a deeper connection to the brand. 

Get in touch: how print marketing can help tell a story 

If your business is looking to start building a narrative and connecting to its audience, then print marketing is for you. Get in touch with our helpful team to discuss your options and start your marketing journey today.  
